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Technologies for educational activity

All respects of the psycho-educational sphere have a strong connection with the ability to make and to handle things and objects – as Montessori taught us. We can discover a lot of formative potentiality thanks to the high intelligence of the current objects.

Soft skills assessment

The e-learning world is evolving from the transfer of the contents to the complex development of the soft skills. In other words, the soft skills are an union of competences for the interactions between people. The purpose is to understand the behaviors behind the progression of the socio-relational skills such as communication, leadership, negotiation, stress management.

Didactic robotics

The robot, for the academic circle, is like a bridge-object between software and hardware. This property give us the possibility to use it for different disciplines and methodologies. The next step for the didactic system is to train qualified personnel in such a way that will be able to use these new tools and to actively contribute to the growth of these new forms of technology.

Cognitive rehabilitation

People with serious and multiple disabilities have in common a predisposition to the passivity and to the dependence. Innovative forms of assistive technology are possible thanks to the artificial intelligence, the robotic platforms and the digital technologies. All these innovations are able to increase the interaction and communication skills of these people and to give them and their family a higher quality of life.

Nac Lab – Natural and Artificial Cognition Lab  @Unina

The Nac Lab (Natural and Artificial Cognition Laboratory) was founded in 2007. It’s the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of the Federico II. The Nac Lab studies, designs and realizes artificial intelligence systems to be able to imitate, simulate and reproduce the cognitive processes of the natural systems.

In the context of the Nac Lab, the inter-disciplinary partnership between researchers generates notable theoretical and practical results. The involved sectors are: the tecnologies for the support of the learning and teaching processes, the cognitive rehabilitation, the soft skills assessment, the big data analytics, the entertainment, the educational robotics, the edutainment, the new prototypes to use the cultural heritage and the scientific dissemination. So far the Nac Lab has coordinated and participated to 13 projects of international research; their researchers with Universities, research centers and companies from all Europe. In the last 10 years, 20 prototypes have been developed and more than 250 articles have been published on international magazines and conferences.


Block Magic

Il prototipo di Block Magic consta di una tavoletta attiva provvista di un’antenna RFID che è in grado di riconoscere i blocchi logici, grazie ad un software che permette l’orchestrazione degli esercizi didattici. I blocchi logici, utilizzati tradizionalmente nelle scuole, sono degli oggetti tangibili che si differenziano per alcuni attributi specifici come colore, forma, spessore e dimensione, componendo un repertorio di 48 differenti varianti.



Digital Creativity ENhanced in Teacher education

L’obiettivo generale del progetto è di «Migliorare la creatività digitale nei contesti dell’educazione iniziale degli insegnanti»


INF@NZIA DIGI.tales 3.6

Migliorare l’apprendimento tra i 3 e i 6 anni

INF@NZIA DIGI.tales 3.6, come recita il sottotitolo del progetto “Migliorare l’apprendimento tra i 3 e i 6 anni”, ha come target prioritario i bambini della suddetta fascia d’età, attraverso lo sviluppo di attività di ricerca finalizzate alla definizione sia di metodologie che di tecnologie a supporto delle attività curricolari nella scuola dell’infanzia e del primo anno della scuola primaria.



una piattaforma integrata hardware e software facile da usare che permetta una analisi rapida di grandi dataset

Lo scopo del progetto è di creare una piattaforma integrata hardware e software facile da usare che permetta una analisi rapida di grandi dataset riguardo la metagenomica

Press review

Events, initiatives, researches from our network